Liberty Partnership Calendar
The Liberty Partnership Program is under the advisorship of Mrs. Mandella. The program services approximately 45
students from all four grade levels. This program is designed to target students that fall into an at risk category. These
students are encouraged to participate in activities that are specifically designed to improve self esteem, academic studies
and an all around sense of self.
We try to choose a theme each year that we can build our program around. This year's theme is "LIBERTY ARTS". We will
be planning and attending trips and workshops throughout the year that integrate the Arts; A Christmas Show, Marine Workshops,
MOMA, The Holocaust Museum and much more. We invite guest speakers to our school, this year we are having a speaker from the
Holocaust society and Cornell Cooperative Extension.
Another aspect of our program at O'Connell High School is community service. Our first project this year is the food
drive and the holiday childrens party for the homeless shelter.
Please visit our page often to see current pictures of all of our adventures.
The Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP) was created in 1988 as a legislative
response to New Yorks school dropout rate. The goals of LPP are to (1) establish collaborative and supportive partnerships
between degree-granting postsecondary education institutions, public and non-public K-12 schools, parents, and other stakeholders
that will develop and implement comprehensive programs designed to improve the abilities of at-risk youth to (2) graduate
from high school and (3) prepare for competitive entry into postsecondary education and the workforce.
The New York State Education Department awards grants to degree-granting postsecondary
education institutions, in collaboration with public and non-public schools and districts, parents and other community stake
holders to develop and implement year-round comprehensive programs and services that target youth enrolled in grades 5-12.
Learn More About Liberty Partnership
Salt Marsh Ecology Workshop
Watch us squirm with some of natures friendliest insects!
Group Sewing Lessons Lead To A Beautiful Quilt |
Here we are, each trying to learn how to use a sewing machine and make a pillow. |

Nancy works hard to show each student how to sew patchwork. |

Raquel cannot believe how excited Mrs. M is because she sewed her first pillow. |
Here is the final quilt. We donated
our quilt to Project Redirect which
is a homeless
shelter located in
our community.

Students made pillows to practice their quilting skills prior to making the real one. |