Week In Review: Marine Science
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The Mandella Environment

Welcome to Marine Science!

Lesson Topics:
Bouancy and the Titanic
Explore the story of the Titanic
Clay demonstration of buoyancy
Foil boat construction
 Geography of oceans and Great Marine Explorers
Online research
Explorer Time line
Submersibles: Alvin?
Online exploration
SCUBA: Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus Research
Video: SCUBA
Diving equipment demonstration
 What is necessary to create a marine environment?
Students will recreate a life zone using diaramas, posters, recipes, creating a salt water aquarium and a hermit crab environment.
Marine Life Zones: Intertidal, Supratidal, Subtidal, Pelagic, Neritic, and Oceanic.
Sandy Beach environment: Surf zone
What is the physical properties of beach sand?
Rocky coast environment: Upper intertidal, mid-intertidal, and lower intertidal and subtidal zones.
Estuary Environment: Salt marsh community, mud flat community, and the mangrove community.
Coral reef environment: Coral polyp, coral features and reef inhabitants. FINDING NEMO
Animal Exploration
Childrens Books: Students will author and illustrate a marine childrens story.
Exploration of :Sharks, Dolphins and Whales

 Marine Science Goal
This curriculum will provide students with the opportunity to investigate the world in which they live while focusing on the marine environment. Students will gain an understanding of the core material and acquire process skills based on Standards 1, 2, 6 and 7 of the Learning Standards for Mathematics, Science and Technology (September 2003) Throughout the year students will build on higher thinking problem solving skills, and work cooperatively in groups to examine problems and propose solutions to issues challenging the 21st century. Students will use their increased knowledge of all the sciences to complete a variety of activities and research projects. Where applicable, students will be introduced to advances in technology.

Technology Connection

Explorers Internet Project:173078

Titanic survivor

Titanic Exhibits

Why did the Titanic sink?


Submersible Research Assignment


Echinoderm Unit

More echinoderms

PBS: Echinoderms

More echinoderms

Animals In The Water

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